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一名嫌犯在美国加州枪击案死亡现场画面 对峙仍在继续:betwei必威(官方)APP下载安装IOS/登录入口/手机app

发布时间:2024-12-30 人浏览


中国日报网12月3日电(小唐)据英国《每日电讯报》报导,当地时间12月2日,有关美国加州枪击案最新消息表明,警方跑到在逃亡嫌犯所乘的SUV车,双方再次发生了交火,有一名嫌犯早已丧生,不过僵持仍在圣贝纳迪诺县的一条街道上持续。伸延读者:奥巴马就加州枪杀事件表态 敦促完备控枪法律嫌犯的汽车停在了街道中。在圣贝纳迪诺县的一条街道上,警方与嫌犯的僵持仍在持续。嫌犯所乘的黑色SUV已停下,车身剩是弹孔。

最少一名警官伤势,警方正在谋求医疗救援。目击者称之为看见另一名嫌犯步行逃跑。根据警方扫描仪,现场的一名警官说道,我们认同车里有一名(嫌犯),另一名逃亡到街上。One suspect "down", police frantically call for medical aidThe suspect's black SUV has now been stopped, with one suspect in custody or otherwise incapacitated. Unfortunately, police are calling for medical aid as at least one officer appears to have been shot.A witness has said that another suspect fled on foot."We've definitely got one in the vehicle and another in the streets," one officer could be heard saying over the police scanner.An armoured vehicle is en route to assist police with the operation.21:10 BREAKING: Police in pursuit of suspect's vehicle, shots firedAccording to the police scanner, a car chase is underway between police and multiple suspects. It appears that the chase is related to the earlier shooting."Two units are taking fire," a police dispatcher could be heard saying."We need a gurney," an officer replied.Another officer said, "it looks like we've got one suspect in custody.。



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